citrus fruits

5 Foods for an Immune System Boost

August 7, 2024

Properly supporting your body’s immune system is an important part of maintaining your overall wellbeing, as your immune system is responsible for keeping you healthy and protected from harmful germs and other foreign agents. However, your immune system can only work effectively when you supply it with the vital tools that it needs in order to protect your body. That is why we recommend trying some of these simple, yet effective, ways to provide your body with an immune system boost by incorporating some of these helpful foods into your diet:

1. Citrus Fruits

If you are looking to consume foods that will give you an immune system boost, citrus fruits are a great place to start. Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and others contain plentiful amounts of vitamin C, which contributes directly to your body’s ability to fight off diseases and germs. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant, which helps to protect your body’s cells from harmful free radicals, grow and repair tissue, and lots more.

2. Leafy Green Vegetables

leafy greens

Another type of food that can help give you an immune system boost is leafy green vegetables. Foods in this category, such as spinach, kale, and others, are helpful to your immune system as they contain high levels of certain vitamins and nutrients that contribute to overall immunity. These vitamins and nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin K, and beta carotene, all of which can help your immune system to work efficiently.

3. Eggs and Fish

Eggs and fish are also good foods for an immune system boost, as they both contain vitamin D, which helps to regulate your body’s immune response. Vitamin D is absorbed through exposure to sunlight, but consuming foods that are high in this vitamin can help to ensure that your body has enough of it to properly respond to any threats and keep you healthy.

4. Nuts and Seeds

mixed nuts

Nuts and some types of seeds can also help to provide an immune system boost, as they are typically high in vitamins such as B-6 or vitamin E, and minerals like magnesium, all of which can help to regulate and maintain a healthy immune system. Some of the best types of nuts and seeds for an immune system boost include sunflower seeds and almonds.

5. Garlic

Finally, although not a standalone food itself, garlic is another type of food that can provide an immune system boost. Garlic has long been used to help fight sickness and can help the immune system to destroy harmful outside agents. Try seasoning your food with garlic for a little bit of an extra immune boost!

Now that you know about some of the main types of foods that can provide an immune system boost, you are ready to start incorporating some of these foods into your diet to provide your body with the essential tools it needs. Additionally, you can always try a supplement such as our Fundamental Immune Support to provide even more benefits to your immune system and help you stay healthy!

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