woman eating salad

How to Eat Better: 7 Tips

November 30, 2023

For many of us, it is a goal to eat better, but it can sometimes feel like an overwhelming challenge. That’s why we’ve put together some tips for how to eat better while still enjoying foods that you love!

1. Establish Consistent Meal Times

One tip to eat better that you may not think of is to establish and stick to consistent meal times each day. Studies have shown that consistent meal times can help to promote a regular circadian rhythm, healthy processing of insulin, and minimizes inflammation. Try to establish windows of time during which you eat your meals each day in order to help your body process food efficiently!

2. Eat a Good Breakfast Each Day

healthy breakfast foods

While it may seem like a good idea to skip breakfast to save calories, eating a nutrient-rich breakfast helps to get your metabolism going, which helps you burn calories and stay energetic throughout the day. Some of the best breakfast foods that you can incorporate into your diet prioritize protein and good fats.

3. Keep Healthy Snacks Available

Sometimes you are going to want a snack. That’s why it can be helpful to keep a supply of healthy snacks available so that you can satisfy the urge without breaking away from your healthy eating habits. Consider protein bars that are high in fiber and low in sugar, nuts, fresh fruit and veggies as options for a satisfying snack!

4. Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables

lots of fruits and vegetables

This one may seem obvious, but it’s true! Fruits and vegetables contain tons of important nutrients (and fiber!) that our bodies need, so incorporating a plentiful amount of them into your diet is one of the best tips we can offer for how to eat better.

5. Minimize Saturated Fat, Sugar

Foods that are high in saturated fat and sugar can contribute to risk of obesity, high blood pressure, and risk of heart disease. By minimizing these types of foods and replacing fatty cuts of meat with lean meats, substituting fruit for sugary snacks, and paying attention to the nutrition labels on foods you eat, you can make sure that you are not consuming too much of these substances.

6. Try New Healthy Foods

quinoa bowl

Who ever said that eating better can’t be fun? One of our tips for how to eat better is to reframe your goal from something you have to do into an opportunity to discover new healthy foods that you will love! By trying different kinds of healthy food, you can turn your healthy eating goals into a culinary adventure and remain in a positive mindset.

7. Be Kind to Yourself

Sometimes you may encounter setbacks or feel like you are not making as much progress as you might like, and that’s okay! Remember that transforming your eating habits is a process and that you might experience challenges along the way. The important thing is that you are trying, and sometimes it’s okay to allow yourself to have little treats that you enjoy. Just try to do this in moderation and balance things out with some healthy options as well!

When you follow some of these tips for how to eat better, you can improve your diet and your overall health while having a good time along the way. And remember, if you ever need additional support in tackling any of your health goals, you can always reach out to our team here at AIM for Wellbeing for personalized suggestions and advice!

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