What Should I Do Before and After a Treatment?
Your physician can provide a detailed list of what you should and should not do before and after your PRP injections. This will include not taking anti-inflammatory or anticoagulation drugs leading up to the procedure and being sure to stay hydrated.
PRP injections are on average a relatively painless treatment option. However, patients may experience varying degrees of discomfort during the procedure due to the extent, type, and location of the injection, which is determined based on the injury as well as possible pain after the procedure that can last from 1 day to 1 week.
A PRP injection appointment takes approximately one hour. While most people can continue their daily activities after a PRP injection, your doctor will instruct you to rest the affected area for a specified period. You may not experience immediate symptom relief, but you will likely notice the affected area is healing faster in the weeks following the injection. Continue to avoid using NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen, Aleve, Motrin, Advil) for four to eight weeks after your PRP procedure.
Light exercise or a rehabilitation program (preferred) will be advised by your physician.
Hydrate daily and eat nutritious, anti-inflammatory foods that will support the healing process.