With allergies and sensitivities, the immune system senses a food or environmental trigger as a foreign object and then has an antibody response to protect you.
In true allergic reactions, IgE antibodies are made, which then trigger a severe histamine release and can result in the rapid onset of itching, swelling, hives, diarrhea, cramping, vomiting, shortness of breath, throat swelling, difficulty breathing and a drop in blood pressure which can be fatal. Some of the common causes of true allergies are milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat (Celiac Disease), soy, fish, shellfish and sesame. A small dose of these foods are able to trigger an immediate allergic reaction. These are diagnosed with pin prick tests or blood tests. Avoidance of these foods is essential and rapid treatment with an antihistamine drug is needed to treat this.
With sensitivities, IgG antibodies are produced which can cause much more delayed, subtle and long-lasting effects in many parts of the body such as skin problems (rashes, breakouts, eczema, etc), chronic stomach problems (gas, bloating, abdominal aches, IBS), joint pain, nasal congestion or headaches. Many physicians have difficulty diagnosing and treating these sensitivities, but this is where functional medicine comes in!
There are a wide range of foods that can cause sensitivities. Food sensitivities are usually associated with a “leaky gut.”