What Conditions Can Be Treated by Chiropractic?
Chiropractic treats chronic ailments such as arthritis, bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, heel spurs, sports-related problems, scoliosis, chronic pain, upper and lower back pain, shoulder and arm pain, herniated discs, whiplash, and headaches.
How Does a Chiropractic Treatment Feel?
At your first meeting, your chiropractor will ask you about your particular health concern and about your family history, diet, lifestyle, and other care you have received. A complete physical examination is performed, which may include x-rays and other diagnostic procedures. Then the chiropractor will conduct a careful examination, checking for areas of spinal dysfunction (subluxation).
Once the chiropractor has evaluated your problem, he or she will discuss with you the specific procedures and techniques that are best for your condition. The next step is an adjustment or manipulation, applying pressure to the areas that are out of alignment. The goal of the treatment is to relieve symptoms and restore normal range of motion.
What Should I Do after Treatment?
Generally, our advice is not to exert yourself for six to 12 hours.
The number of treatments you will need varies with your age, your general physical condition, and your health goals.