

Recommended for supporting the healing of sores and wounds because of its benefits to collagen formation and immune function.*

Promotes immune health – lysine provides nutritional support to help your body maintain its natural defenses.*

Skin health – This amino acid is known to promote collagen formation, which in turn benefits the health and elasticity of skin.*


Omegagenics Mega 10

Helps Support Immune Function & Cardiovascular Health

Healthy triglyceride level support


Quercetin 500 mg

Promotes a healthy immune response and cardiovascular function

Supports antioxidant status.


Ultra Flora Immune Booster


Ultra Potent C 1000

Scientifically shown to promote natural killer (NK) cell activity and white blood cell (WBC) function.

Shown to have 18% to 25% higher uptake in WBCs than plain vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Provides vitamin C and a metabolite system designed for enhanced utilization.
