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Our Approach

At Alliance Integrative Medicine, our goal is to help you get well, be well, and stay well using treatments that combine the best of conventional medicine with evidence-based integrative therapies.

Developing YourTransformational Wellness Plan SM

At Alliance Integrative Medicine our goal is to help you get well, be well, and stay well using treatments that combine the best of conventional medicine with evidence-based integrative therapies. And since the state of our health is ever-changing, we recommend that you schedule a complete assessment with one of our providers at least once every year. Our physicians and therapists will customize your Transformational Wellness Plan℠ to help you realize maximum health. If you are feeling well, we can help you optimize your wellness. If not, we will work with you to change the trajectory of your health from one of dis-ease to one of optimized well-being. We customize your Transformational Wellness Plan℠ using our holistic approach and focus on two key steps.

We start with our comprehensive assessment of your current health that goes beyond the usual lab tests and exams that you might experience in conventional medical offices. Our evaluation examines how your genes, your lifestyle, your diet, and your past medical problems have interacted. We want to get to the root causes of the problems you are dealing with in order to create the best possible solutions.

nurse holding patient's hand

After your evaluation, we will suggest specific personalized treatment options to improve your health. We want you to feel better as soon as possible. The ultimate goal, however, is to help you get well, be well, and stay well via a transformational health plan that fits your life and empowers you to live better and feel better.

nurse holding patient's hand

Digestive Disorders

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Heartburn, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBD), Crohn’s Disease, Colitis


Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity & Dyslipidemia

High Cholesterol, Insulin Resistance, Cardiovascular Disease


Autoimmune Conditions

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Hashimoto’s Disease, Celiac Disease, Crohn’s, Type-1 Diabetes


Energy Issues, Stress & Chronic Pain

Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia


Hormonal Imbalances

Feeling “tired & wired,” Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), PMS, Hot Flashes, Painful Periods, Mood Swings


Cognitive Issues

Subjective Cognitive Impairment (SCI), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), “Brain Fog,” Memory Issues, Alzheimer’s Disease, etc.

Step One:Assessment & Diagnosis

An in-depth medical assessment is the first step toward developing your Transformational Wellness Plan℠. We are proud of this thorough process that goes beyond just examining the affected parts of your health to analyzing your entire body and how its systems interact. We utilize both conventional and Functional Medicine testing to assess your medical history (which may include your genomics), your stress level, your nutrition, food allergies and sensitivities, your microbiome, your hormone levels, and your complete musculoskeletal system to paint a complete picture of your health and deliver the best possible outcomes for you. We call this process the Five Rings of Diagnosis.

The 5 Rings of Diagnosis diagram

Making an Expanded Medical Diagnosis

In addition to a thorough history and physical examination, we offer the following:

Conventional Lab Tests

Usually paid for by your insurance.

EndoPAT - Endothelial Function Testing

The endothelium is the inside layer of your arteries over which your blood flows. Endothelial dysfunction is associated with coronary artery disease, strokes, and erectile dysfunction. The EndoPAT is an easy, safe, non-invasive test that we can use to assess your endothelial dysfunction and see if the lifestyle, diet, medications, and supplement choices you have made are alleviating your risk factors.

Genomic Testing

Many people assume that the presence of a particular gene means they are destined to experience an associated disease. The truth is that most genes are flexible and can be influenced by modifying environment, diet, and lifestyle factors. By evaluating a carefully selected group of genetic variants, we can get a glimpse of your health future and can help you minimize risk and modify disease in your body.

For example, we can look at your predisposition to Alzheimer’s Disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, breast cancer and prostate cancer, strokes, and a host of other problems. We can use genomics to see which drugs might work better to alleviate cholesterol problems, cardiac disease, and psychiatric problems. Then, using Nutrigenomics, we tailor a lifestyle just for you which may include modifying your diet, nutritional supplements, stress reduction programs, and integrative therapies that can help you lose weight and restore and maintain your health.

Genomic Weight Testing

This test can evaluate if you are genetically predisposed to a low-fat, low-carb, or balanced weight loss diet, as well as whether you should be doing high intensity or moderate exercise. People on a genetically appropriate weight loss diet lose on average 2.5 times more than those on a regular weight loss diet.

InBody 570 Evaluation

The InBody 570 is a complete body composition analysis tool to measure your basal metabolic rate, muscle, body fat, and visceral fat, as well as your body’s intracellular and extracellular water. In less than 45 seconds, the device measures the quantity (in pounds) of fat and muscle in each of your body’s segments so you can learn how body composition changes over time and accurately determine the minimum number of calories you need to fuel your body.

The machine determines your body composition results using a low-grade electrical impedance. Patients stand on the InBody scale for 45 seconds while holding hand electrodes — no pinching or discomfort. This data allows us to track your health and body composition in real time, and then devise a personalized diet and exercise plan. Click here to learn more.

WatchPAT - Sleep Testing

This convenient test, which you take in the comfort of your home, allows us to evaluate whether or not you have a sleep disorder. We can assess issues such as obstructive sleep apnea and unexplained fatigue to determine if your symptoms warrant further workup.

Evaluating the Effects of Stress on the Body

Stress & Neurotransmitter Assessment

The Doctor's Data Neuro Adrenal is a urinary neurotransmitter test that provides an overall assessment of the body's ability to secrete and metabolize neurotransmitters. Alterations in urinary neurotransmitter levels assessed in urine provide important clinical information, and may be associated with many symptoms including cognitive and mood concerns, diminished drive, fatigue and sleep difficulties, cravings, addictions and pain. Associations between urinary neurotransmitter levels and health conditions have been documented in scientific literature and may provide valuable insights as part of a comprehensive health assessment.

Evaluating Your Nutrition, Metabolism and Immune Status

Nutritional Evaluation through NutrEval and The ONE (Optimal Nutritional Evaluation)

These are two simple tests to determine your overall dietary needs so that we can help you develop a personalized approach to nutrition. These tests assess vitamin, protein, fatty acid and antioxidant needs, gut function and probiotic balance, and detoxification problems in the body. While NutrEval is a more comprehensive test, conducted in our office with a single blood draw and urine sample, the ONE is only a urine test.

Comprehensive Stool Analysis

This testing can help us evaluate digestion, gut function, and inflammation in the gut, as well as the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut (dysbiosis).

Food Sensitivity Analysis and Evaluation

Unlike allergies, which have immediate effects, people with food sensitivities (usually the result of poor GI health) may not realize that the foods they eat are significantly impacting their health. We can identify these sensitivities by measuring your immunoglobulin (IgG), a unique immune protein. Using data from this test, we can help you create a custom plan to get your GI health back on track. We find this test is often very helpful in evaluating Leaky Gut.

SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) Testing

SIBO is a breath test done at home to evaluate if you have an overgrowth of bacteria in your small intestine that may result in severe bloating with diarrhea or constipation. This test will help us decide what your best treatment options are.

BrainSpan Testing

This test utilizes both a blood test as well as a computer-aided cognitive and memory function test to give us insight into optimizing your brain health.

Heavy Metal Testing

Heavy metal toxicity can cause severe health issues. We utilize a challenge test with a chelating agent to see if you have significant amounts of heavy metals stored in areas of your body (e.g., spleen, liver, bone marrow, etc.).

Immune System Testing

Your physician will discuss further testing of your immune system as necessary.

Evaluating Your Hormone Balance

Both men and women, primarily middle-aged and older, can benefit from these evaluations. Through specialized lab tests, we can gain precise insights about the way your hormone levels impact your body, as well as your risk for breast cancer and prostate cancer. We can help you achieve optimal skin tone, easier weight management, increased energy levels, more restful sleep, and more! Balanced hormones can also help with low libido, infertility, PMS, menopausal symptoms, and andropausal symptoms such as erectile dysfunction.

  • We use conventional labs.
  • We also offer specialized testing of your sex steroid pathways to assess your predisposition to breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Evaluating Your Structure and Bioenergetic Balance

Our physician acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, Rolfers, and energy healers perform these evaluations. They will help you understand your susceptibility to illness, pain, and discomfort – then help you create a personalized plan to improve your health.

Step Two:Treatments & Therapies

Two patients with the same diagnosis may have very different underlying causes of that condition. That’s why every treatment plan at Alliance Integrative Medicine is unique and personalized based on our findings from our Five Rings of Diagnosis. As we collaborate with you in developing a long-term wellness plan, we take a holistic approach to your health by focusing on the crucial aspects of treatment that we call the Five Stars of Treatment.

The 5 Stars of Treatment diagram

Expand Your Medical Treatment Options

The expert doctors and healthcare practitioners at AIM employ a wide variety of methods for restoring balance to the body. Our therapies include medical acupuncture, chiropractic, craniosacral therapy, functional medicine, medical massage therapy, ACE Healing Treatments (a combination of medical acupuncture, chiropractic, and energy healing), nutritional counseling, Rolfing, energy healing, trigger point injections, prolotherapy, Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT), Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), mindful stress reduction groups, and nutritional supplements.

Transform Stress Into Success

Getting sick is a process that is often attributable to both physical and emotional stress. A key goal of Transformational Medicine℠ is to help you discover where you are on the stress curve and how that has led to illness. Our holistic approach helps you proactively transform your chronic stress and fatigue into positive energy and better health.

Optimize Nutrition, Metabolic, and Immune Function

Your nutritional needs are unique to you alone. Your food, your genetics, your environment, and your lifestyle all affect how you feel. Our Transformational Medicine℠ approach examines those interactions and how they can shape your long-term health. We develop a personalized nutritional program that fits comfortably into your lifestyle and results in meaningful outcomes evidenced by your metabolic and immune function.

Optimize Your Hormonal Balance

Although they can be a significant factor in health issues that have a profound impact on your quality of life, hormonal imbalances are often overlooked in the practice of conventional medicine. They can be the underlying cause of weight gain, menstrual irregularity, menopause problems, erectile dysfunction, low libido, depression, osteoporosis, muscle loss, and fatigue. Via the practice of Transformational Medicine℠, our team uses state-of-the-art testing to find imbalances and restore you to hormonal harmony.

Healing Therapies

Chronic pain and illness are complex problems that respond best to a thoughtful combination of conventional and alternative treatments. At Alliance Integrative Medicine, we take a holistic approach to helping you achieve a higher quality of life. Your Transformational Wellness Plan℠ will include recommended conventional methods combined with the evidence-based alternative techniques our team offers.

We offer medical acupuncture, chiropractic and osteopathic manipulative therapies, various types of medical massage (Neuro-muscular, Deep Tissue, trigger point, migraine massage, lymphatic drainage, and more), Rolfing, and energy healing.

We utilize the term “tensegrity” to describe the immaculate balance that your body performs to keep your muscles, ligaments, and bones working together according to their design. Each of our therapists will look at your body a little differently – but we all have the same goal in mind: creating a plan that will allow you and your body to move toward your natural state of balance and healing!

See Our List of Treatments >
patient consultation


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I suffered for almost 4 years with Meniere’s disease – including hearing loss, tinnitus, frequent vertigo episodes and many unsteady days. After Dr. Woolford recommended acupuncture, I was anxious but decided to give it a try. I’ve had four acupuncture treatments and am having fewer and fewer unsteady days and no vertigo episodes! The combination of acupuncture, chiropractic care and nutritional changes has made all the difference! Thank you Dr. Woolford, Lisa and the great team at Alliance!

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Lisa Marx-Cronin
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For years I have suffered from debilitation allergies. This year is the first year that I have been truly symptom-free. My quality of life has drastically improved. There are no words to adequately express my gratitude to Dr. Eric for his insightful attention and diagnostic abilities in setting my body straight.

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Linda Callahan
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Three years ago, I began to react excessively to bugs, poison ivy, mold, perfume, wheat. I had to do up to 5 rounds of steroids per year and was sick all of the time. Did AAT with Eric and every single allergen is benign for me. NO MORE STEROIDS – A MIRACLE!

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Pam Lovatt
older couple doing yoga outside
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AIM forWell-Being

How To Finally Create Long-Term Health & Vitality

Work With Us

FrequentlyAsked Questions

Ahead of the initial paid appointment, you will complete our extensive background history forms so that we can properly review your history and lab results ahead of your appointment. During the appointment, we will together review your completed intake form, medical history, current and past lab tests, as well as any medications taken, so that we can arrive at a baseline assessment of your overall health and nutritional status. If needed, we may decide on more advanced lab tests to confirm (or rule out) a specific diagnosis. This will allow us to create a personalized treatment protocol.

During the free discovery call, we’ll determine whether partnering with our team is the best next step for you. We’ll go over any questions you may have about our approach and how it differs from what you’ve tried before – so you feel comfortable about the journey ahead.

As a prospective patient, you may wonder about additional costs not included in our program fee. We know that you’ve likely been to other providers before that may have already run lab tests. That’s why during our comprehensive intake consultation, we will review any existing lab results – so that we can determine if additional, more advanced lab testing is needed to confirm a diagnosis. In terms of supplements, we may recommend certain pharmaceutical-grade supplements for a limited time to support your body’s innate healing process. But long-term, we believe that supplements can’t make up for a poor lifestyle, so our intent is to get you off supplements and unneeded prescription meds as soon as possible.

If you’re tired of shuffling from doctor to doctor without ever getting to the root of your chronic health issues, and if you want to optimize your health holistically through sound lifestyle modifications, advanced lab testing, and mind-body techniques without unnecessary medications, then our program may just be what you’ve been looking for all along. Just know that it takes a serious commitment to make the lifestyle changes necessary to transform your health once and for all.

Take The First Step On YourJourney Back To Health

Our patient coordinator is standing by, happy to answer any questions you have to determine if Alliance Integrative Medicine (AIM) is right for you.

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